

- Ultimate Balance Overhaul (by UltimateSpinDash)

Update to Version 2.9.0 (Open Alpha)

- Settlers-United

Version 1.4 is the penultimate version of the Enhanced Edition.

The work on The Settlers IV (as well as on The Settlers III) will continue in the future in the "Settlers-United" project.

With the Enhanced Edition 1.4 you can now switch to the new modification.

As of version 1.5, the support for the History Edition will be discontinued in favor of Settlers-United.

The final version 1.5 is offered exclusively for the Gold- Ultimate and GOG version of The Settlers IV, which is aimed exclusively for LAN players (LAN parties). Further updates are no longer planned.

For the Enhanced Editon team ends the mission of making The Settlers IV to a better game.

We look back on a great World Cup in 2021, which would not have been possible without the Enhanced Edition.

Thank you for your support and to the next 20 years with The Settlers IV!

VERSION 1.3.4:

Ultimate Balance Overhaul (UBO) update to version Alpha 2.1.2

- Multiplayer Maps:

  • Defeat the Waves 1.8 Train (Train Map Pack)
    The training map no longer ends automatically after 7 minutes.

VERSION 1.3.2 und 1.3.3:

- Differentiation between standard and custom mods.
Custom mods only work in multiplayer if all players in a lobby have also activated this mod.

Ultimate Balance Overhaul Open Alpha 1.3.2
Credits: UltimateSpinDash

  • Aspect: starting specifications
  • Aspect: Trojan buff
  • Aspect: Big Houses Buff

- Multiplayer Maps:

  • Defeat the Waves 1.8 Training (Defeat Map Pack by Sl4nger)
    Deactivated scripts and deactivated AI to practice positions 2 to 5.

  • Fuel the Waves 1.0.4 (Misc Map Pack by Phottor)

- Two new versions of "The Woods" in The Settlers World Championship 2021 Map Pack:

  • WC2021-G-TheWoods-UBO
    Standard start resources without boost

  • WC2021-G-TheWoods-UBO-PT0
    Standard start resources without boost, and whithout peacetime.

- The Enhanced Edition Launcher now supports additional system configurations.

- The update bar in the launcher has been graphically improved.

VERSION 1.3.1:

- Hotfix: Fixes a bug that prevented the Enhanced Edition Launcher from starting after the update.



- Improved tooltips (by UltimateSpinDash)

The new tooltips are now also available in English, including minor adjustments.

- Map-Manager

The map manager for "THE SETTLERS IV WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2021" has been deactivated again because the tournament is over.

The function is preserved for future tournaments and can be used again if necessary.

The 115 1vs1 maps including many maps not used in the tournament can therefore now be freely selected via the "THE SETTLERS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2021 Map Pack".

- Random race generator
Based on the The Settlers World Championship playoffs, you can use a random generator to draw a race.

- The Community Pack Addon Manual
The missing manual of the last Die Siedler 4 addon was added, which was missing in the History Edition. (only in german)


- The Enhanced Edition Launcher can now also be run without a preinstalled History Edition.

This fixes the problem that the launcher would not start with only the Gold Edition installed.

- The level 3 swordsman icon in the Roman barracks has been replaced by the correct icon.

- Multiplayer Maps:

  • Defeat the Waves (Defeat Map Pack by Sl4nger)
    Update to Version 1.8

  • The Settlers World Championship 2021 Maps
    All 115 1v1 maps are now freely available



- Map-Manager

The tournament maps for THE SETTLERS IV WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2021 can be accessed using the map manager.
The new "MAP MANAGER" button next to the map pack for the WC2021 can be used for this purpose.
For the demo map use: Enter ID "000" PW: "g2aUZdwTg6! FjvzHUYKJSqGrseFhgaf #".


- Revised tool tips and scripts for single player missions:

  • Main campaign - Mission 8
    The pirate player is now hidden in the statistics, as is usual in add-on cards.

  • Trojan Addon - Roman Mission 3

  • Trojan Addon - Maya Mission 4

  • Trojan Addon - Viking Mission 1

- Multiplayer Maps:

  • Defeat the King (Defeat Map Pack by Sl4nger)
    Update to version 2.2.0

VERSION 1.1.9:

- The Enhanced Edition logo is now also displayed in the final statistics at the top left in order to be able to compare the results better.

- Multiplayer Maps:

  • WC2021-GROUP-TheWoods
    - Fixed some script errors.
    - Improvments for the peacetime wall.

VERSION 1.1.8:

- Patching process improvements

- Improvements for the desync file recognition.

- Fixed an issue where not all missions could be unlocked for the Gold Edition.

- Editor+:

The map editor can be started when The Settlers IV is already running again.
The Settlers IV can be started when the editor is already running again.

- Multiplayer Maps:

  • WC2021-GROUP-TheWoods
    - The mountains were flattened
    - According to a vote, the stone deposits on the mountain were placed down in the middle at both positions.
    - Added optical "lightning bolts" in the death zones. After opening the respective route, these are no longer active.

VERSION 1.1.7:

- Savegame archiving
Fixed an issue where the Gold Edition saves were being archived.

- The information window in the main menu for the EHE (Enhanced History Edition) and EGE (Enhanced Gold Edition) has been made smaller.

- Multiplayer Maps:

  • WC2021-GROUP-TheWoods
    - Not flatten area on the mountain at position 1 removed.

    - Adjusted dark grass in the forest at position 2.



- Windows 7 - 64 Bit Support

- The EHE logo (Enhanced History Edition) or EGE logo (Enhanced Gold Edition) is displayed ingame in the main menu to provide additional information about the currently selected game version.

- The anti-desync protection warns of incorrect data at the start of the game, which can trigger a desync in multiplayer games.


- *.map files can be opened with the map editor again.

- Infobox for hotkeys mod v2

- Missing map packs added
- Remastered Maps Pack (by UltimateSpinDash)

- Missing functions added
- Savegame archiving


- New patch process

The Enhanced Edition Launcher also checks your Settler 4 folder for old wrong files and removes them if necessary.
This fixes various desync problems.

- Multiplayer Maps:

  • WC2021-GROUP-TheWoods
    - Vikings have now +10 settlers again as intended.



VERSION 1.0.1:

- RequestLimitExtender (formerly CoalFix)

From now on, one good of each type will be processed for every game tick (rather than every 16th tick), two for coal.

This allows processing up to 16 times the regular amnount of any resource.

This does NOT affect construction sites, builders and diggers.

Good distribution has been restored to default values.

Multiplayer Maps:

  • WC2021-GROUP-TheWoods
    - Position 2 was adjusted to better match Position 1
    - Fish-deposits were adjusted
    - Stone-deposits (stonecutter) to the south were adjusted

  • TM2020-00-GROUP
    - Fixed a bug on the group phase map





- The maximum number of settlers has been raised  to 32,000.
The per player limit has been fixed to 4,000.

- The
Coal Bug has been fixed by adjusting the carry limit.

Credits: nyfrk

- Single player mission script enhancements:

  • Main campaign Viking mission 1:
    No more Mayan reinforcements will spawn after their defeat. The number of respawning troops will no longer scale indefinitely.

  • Main campaign mission 4:
    No more Mayan reinforcements will spawn after winning or losing the map.

  • Main campaign mission 8:
    No more pirate ships will spawn after winning the map.

  • Mission CD Viking mission 4:
    Roman attacks will end as soon as the map is won. The number of respawning troops will no longer scale indefinitely.

  • Trojans add-on Roman mission 3:
    “???” victory message has been deactivated. The trojan horse will be exchanged for the finished version at the end.

  • New World add-on Maya mission 5:
    Once the map has been completed, the romans no longer attack, allowing the player to chill with their hard-earned world wonders.

  • Singleplayermap Bahlum-Kuk:
    The victory condition is now actually being used. This means that the "Island of the Dead" now needs to be captured, as indicated by the mission objective.

- The maximum number of settlers has been raised  to 32,000.
The per player limit has been fixed to 4,000.

- The
Coal Bug has been fixed by adjusting the carry limit.

Credits: nyfrk

- Single player mission script enhancements:

  • Main campaign Viking mission 1:
    No more Mayan reinforcements will spawn after their defeat. The number of respawning troops will no longer scale indefinitely.

  • Main campaign mission 4:
    No more Mayan reinforcements will spawn after winning or losing the map.

  • Main campaign mission 8:
    No more pirate ships will spawn after winning the map.

  • Mission CD Viking mission 4:
    Roman attacks will end as soon as the map is won. The number of respawning troops will no longer scale indefinitely.

  • Trojans add-on Roman mission 3:
    “???” victory message has been deactivated. The trojan horse will be exchanged for the finished version at the end.

  • New World add-on Maya mission 5:
    Once the map has been completed, the romans no longer attack, allowing the player to chill with their hard-earned world wonders.

  • Singleplayermap Bahlum-Kuk:
    The victory condition is now actually being used. This means that the "Island of the Dead" now needs to be captured, as indicated by the mission objective.



Launches the HISTORY, GOLD, or respective ENHANCED EDITION


All news about The Settlers in general and the The Settlers IV World Championship


Enhanced map editor

Credits: Muffinmario (Infos)


Overview over all fixed bugs and added functionalities



    - Enhanced History Edition
    - Enhanced Gold Edition

    - History Edition (2018)
    - Gold Edition (2003)

    - The Settlers IV original textures
    - „New World“ addon textures
    - (more will follow)

  • MODS
    - Extra Zoom Mod
    Credits: nyfrik (
    - Hotkeys Mod v2
    Credits: Wizzardmaker & kdsystem1337 (
    - (more will follow)

    - The Settlers III soundtrack (The Settlers III History Edition needs to be installed)
    Credits: King Jo
    - (more will follow)

  • MAPS

    - Standard Ubisoft Maps

    - Atlantis lebt (2001)

    - The Settlers World Championship 2021 Maps
    - The Settlers Tournament 2020 Maps

    - Defeat Map Pack (by Sl4nger)

    - Metzel Map Pack (by ramseslein)

    - Buddel Map Pack (by ramseslein)

    - Train Map Pack (by ramseslein & Sl4nger)

  • MISC
    - Language (german/english)
    - Autosave settings
    - Ingame Videos (on/off)
    - Unlock all missions
    - Activate inefficient mine warning

    - Legacy controls (History Edition)
    - Editor+ fix (may help when problems occur)





- The maximum number of settlers has been raised from 10,000 to 20,000. The per player limit has been fixed to 2,500. This fixes a problem in 4vs4 matches where not all players were able to spawn the same number of settlers.

- The Maya music bug has been fixed.

- An additional message informing you about inefficient mines has been added.

- Single player mission script enhancements:

  • The Search Continues (Main campaign, Level 9)
    No more pirate ships will spawn after the respective player has been defeated. Thereby the ships won’t gather at the edge of the map overloading the game’s pathfinding. This leads to better overall performance.

  • Escape (Mission CD, Romans, Level 2)
    The target area, where a tower, a woodcutter, a sawmill, and a stonecutter must be placed, is now highlighted. The third player will not be shown in the game statistics (as is customary in later add-on maps). The area that the player is not supposed to enter is now marked by flames.

- The auto save message has been corrected.

- The message sound has been replaced by the Gold Edition “BING” (Preliminary).

- The Maya music bug has been fixed.

- An additional message informing you about inefficient mines has been added.

- Single player mission script enhancements:

  • The Search Continues (Main campaign, Level 9)
    No more pirate ships will spawn after the respective player has been defeated. Thereby the ships won’t gather at the edge of the map overloading the game’s pathfinding. This leads to better overall performance.

  • Escape (Mission CD, Romans, Level 2)
    The target area, where a tower, a woodcutter, a sawmill, and a stonecutter must be placed, is now highlighted. The third player will not be shown in the game statistics (as is customary in later add-on maps). The area that the player is not supposed to enter is now marked by flames.

- The work radius of fisherman’s huts has been adjusted to be the same as in the History Edition.


- An installer replaced the Enhanced Edition Launcher for now.

- The “The Settlers III” soundtrack can be added to the game when the “The Settlers II – History Edition” is installed on your PC.

- A texture exchanger tool for using the „New World“ add-on textures will be added to your install directory and can be executed from there (“Texturenwechsler”).

- the following multiplayer maps have been added:

  • 123-Buddel
  • 123-Buddel_4er
  • DefeatTheKingV2_0_2
  • DefeatTheWavesV1_7_0
  • -grune-Insel-4er-2version
  • -grune-Insel-8er-
  • -grune-Insel-8er-metzel
  • H2O_KOPF_final
  • Kanaren-PlatinEdition
  • Kanaren-SilverEdition
  • Marshylein
  • -Merlin-
  • Metzilein
  • polaris_XL_ring_2
  • Turniermetzel_2
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